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Jiangxi Huichang: Make a good brand of rice noodle industry

A few days ago, when I walked into Jiangxi Wufeng Food Co., Ltd. in Huichang County, I saw that the workers were busy on the production line in an orderly manner, and grains of high-quality rice were made into pure white rice noodles through a process. The relevant person in charge of the company told the author that Huichang rice noodles not only obtained the qualification for export to the EU, but also officially became the first rice noodles in the country after various procedures such as declaration, preliminary examination, on-site audit, and publicity. The company is very excited, and the company is running at full speed and stepping up production. In recent years, relying on the advantages of county resources, Huichang County has vigorously implemented the strategy of "invigorating enterprises with science and technology, creating brand actions, and promoting the effect of industrial clusters", playing a good role in food processing, and effectively stimulating the development vitality of the food processing industry.

Technological upgrading seeks benefits from technology

The appearance is crystal clear, the thickness is uniform, the verticality is good, the acidity is low, the soup will not be smashed, continuous, and broken after cooking, the taste is smooth, flexible, and elastic... This is the wonderful enjoyment that Huichang rice noodles bring to diners. For a long time, Huichang rice noodles have been produced by patented process technology, all made of pure rice, and the persistence of no additives has also made the Huichang rice noodles brand new for a long time.

The Huichang Rice Noodles from the Fragrant Overseas

The perfection of quality is inseparable from technical support. In recent years, Huichang County has vigorously guided food processing enterprises to introduce advanced production technology, enhance the added value of products, and focus on supporting a group of food processing enterprises with unique products, high market share and core competitiveness. The county's rice noodle production process has been continuously innovated, and has been upgraded from the first generation to the second and third generations, and has successively developed rice macaroni, instant macaroni, shell rice, spiral noodles, buckwheat rice noodles, and black rice noodles. And other new products, the county's rice noodle products have developed from a single straight rice noodle to more than 60 varieties in 4 series of Chinese style, nutrition, convenience and western style. The county's rice noodle production enterprises have not only mastered a complete set of advanced rice noodle production processes and technologies, but also have the ability to independently develop production lines, and have successively obtained nearly 40 national patents. The technology innovation center of Jiangxi Wufeng Food Co., Ltd. has also been recognized by the Ministry of Science and Technology. For the leading enterprise innovation center. At present, more than 80% of the county's rice noodle products are exported to more than 20 countries and regions such as the United States, Britain and France.

Huichang County has abundant resources of high-quality rice, soybeans and other agricultural products. In order to transform the resource advantages into industrial advantages, the county has listed the characteristic food industry as one of the three pillar industries, and is striving to build a unique new food processing base in the province. At present, the county has formed a food processing industry mainly based on rice noodles, and with rice noodles, dried sauce and other projects as a breakthrough, formed Jiangxi Wufeng Food Co., Ltd., Jiangxi Huadachang Food Co., Ltd., Huichang Good Food Co., Ltd., etc. For the leading food processing industry.

Improve the mechanism and seek benefits from the brand

After Jiangxi Wufeng Food Co., Ltd. was recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture as the second batch of national demonstration enterprises of staple food processing industry, the "Nufeng" rice noodles produced by the company were recognized as Jiangxi famous brand products. As a leading enterprise of rice noodle processing in the county, the company has continuously improved its quality management system and improved its quality and efficiency under the strategic goals of “creating a brand” and “prospering the county by quality”, and has achieved both a bumper harvest in terms of brand and efficiency.

A tense and orderly rice noodle production workshop

In order to improve brand benefits, Huichang County vigorously implements the branding strategy, strengthens the identification of geographical indications, guides the creation of famous agricultural products, and increases the listing rate of agricultural products. The county implements a brand-creation reward system, and rewards projects with successful brand creation in accordance with the standards of 200,000 yuan at the national level, 100,000 yuan at the provincial level, and 20,000 yuan at the municipal level. At the same time, the county also encourages and supports the trademark registration and brand promotion of agricultural products, and further enhances the ability to use trademarks to participate in market competition and the ability to use trademarks to increase the added value of products. Enterprises that have obtained famous brands at or above the provincial level will be rewarded by the county finance, and enterprises that have been recognized by relevant state departments as Chinese famous brand agricultural products will be rewarded with a one-time reward of 200,000 yuan. Enterprises of famous brand agricultural products in Jiangxi Province will receive a one-time reward of 100,000 yuan.

At present, the "Hanxian" trademark of Jiangxi Wufeng Food Co., Ltd. of the county, the "Jilin" trademark of Jiangxi Huadachang Food Co., Ltd., the "Kangshou" trademark of Huichang Good Food Co., Ltd., and the Huichang Jiuzhou Seed Industry Co., Ltd. The company's "people first rich" trademark was rated as a provincial famous trademark. The county has also successfully produced a batch of Jiangxi famous brand products with Huichang characteristics, such as "Wufeng" rice noodles, "Tianyi" rice, "Zaohua brand" sour jujube cake, and "Qingyingfeng" honey.

Workers and peasants "hold hands" to seek benefits from the industry

Jiuzhou Seed Industry Co., Ltd., a provincial-level agricultural leading enterprise in Huichang County, cultivated and provided high-quality rice flour and rice seeds for the county's rice flour company. More than 3,600 farmers in the county cultivated the 8,000-mu seed production base of Jiuzhou Seed Industry Co., Ltd., and the average income of each household increased. Up to 2,600 yuan; there are 8,500 farmers in the county who have planted about 150,000 mu of rice noodles specially for Ngfeng, Huadachang, Xianliang Mifen and other enterprises, and the average income of each household has increased by 2,200 yuan...

"At present, the grain industry in Huichang has formed an industrial chain of 'seed-rice-powder'. The development of the food industry not only strengthens the county economy, but also directly drives the income of farmers in the towns and towns where seeds and grains are grown, enabling enterprises and grain farmers to achieve mutual benefits. A win-win situation," said Xu Deyou, a cadre of the county's Agriculture and Grain Bureau.

Relying on the good market sales of Huichang rice noodles, nearly a quarter of the rice fields in Huichang County are planted with special rice for rice noodles. As the only seed production enterprise integrating breeding, propagation and promotion in the city, Jiuzhou Seed Industry has developed the province's first rice flour rice variety, and there are still a batch of rice flour special rice varieties being tested. In order to ensure the purity of the raw grains required for rice noodle production, the county has established relatively closed non-polluting rice production bases in Xiaolong, Zhuangbu, Baie, Gaopai and other towns and towns. Quality and safety, production enterprises have also signed green and pollution-free rice production contracts and purchase and sales contracts with farmers.

On the basis of expanding and strengthening the rice noodle industry, Huichang County has introduced, supported and strengthened a number of leading agricultural enterprises, vigorously improved the ability of deep processing of agricultural products, and realized the complementary promotion of agriculture and industry. Focusing on leading the industry, strengthening the leading industry, and taking the industrialized management path of "enterprise + base (cooperative) + farmers", the county has introduced preferential policies and assistance measures to guide leading enterprises to cooperate with base farmers. Up to now, the county has 22 leading enterprises in agricultural industrialization, including 6 at the provincial level and 16 at the municipal level, driving more than 60,000 farmers to engage in agricultural industrialization.

Conscience rice noodles, accompany all the way

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Address: Pigeon Food Road, Yingtan High-tech Industrial Development Zone, Jiangxi Province






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